“The distance is nothing; it is only the first step that is difficult.”
Madame Marie du Deffand
I love this quote! It reminds me of wisdom I have had to learn over and over again. That wisdom is: It is not essential to know all the steps of how to accomplish a big goal. What is essential is taking the next step.
So often we become paralyzed by the scope of our goal or the number of things looming over us needing to be done and we fail to move forward at all. Each step, no matter how small, will move you closer.
When I hit this place it appears every aspect of my goal is tied to the next and will create a domino affect if I make the wrong move, or miss the magic answer. If the project feels like climbing Mount Kilimanjaro sometimes I spin in circles trying to put all the pieces into some systematic order that will make the job come together. From this place decisions are impossible and forward motion ceases.
Yet, truly all that is needed is for me to take the next step. And with each step the next one becomes more obvious. Each step simplifies the path and brings the end goal closer. And my taking action not only moves me closer to the goal, it also reduces my anxiety and clarifies my thoughts. This simple solution has solved more problems for me than almost anything else.
Do you sometimes get paralyzed by decisions that feel too huge, or a project that feels overwhelming? Try this next time. Take just the very next step. Decisions become easier and mountains of tasks slowly shrink to a manageable size.