Women in Leadership Bring New Perspective!

What solutions might we find with more women in positions of power and influence?

Ann Mei Chang, former Google exec, is about to show us some.  Recently appointed to head the U.S. Global Development Lab, Ann Mei Chang and her team aim to improve or save the lives of 200 million people in five years.

In my chapter on setting goals in my upcoming book, Be A Female Millionaire (free download), I encourage women to set BIG goals (like Ann Mei Chang).  Big goals inspire us and grow us in ways that make our lives worth living.  And they are worthy of our lives since ultimately we are investing in what we spend our time on.

You and I have different perspectives than our male counterparts.  And both masculine and feminine ideas are needed for our world to become a place we can see our grandchildren thriving in.  I am inspired when I hear of women taking leadership roles because new perspectives that are gender diverse and honor female and male values ultimately will create the world we long for.

I look forward to hearing more about Ann’s project and the success they have.  You can read more about it here.

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