For many years I was extremely frustrated by all the buzz about the Law of Attraction and doing affirmations. All these people were raving it worked, but I was not seeing results in my life or in those around me also trying to use positive thinking to change their circumstances.
Then someone suggested I start to say, “What would it take for….?” Rather than, “I am…” You might want to try it. It was just the solution I needed.
My cynical truth meter does not go into high gear when I say, “What would it take for me to be healthy, strong and flexible?” It does goes into overdrive when I try to affirm, “I am healthy, strong and flexible,” when I’m recovering from a serious illness and have lost my strength. I would experience streams of doubts in my head that negated any benefit from the affirmation.
But now, when I ask “what would it take”, I have opened my mind to find solutions rather than argue with me.
Noah St. John recently wrote an article about this very thing. He uses, “Why am I healthy, flexible and strong?” The key is asking a question.
These are two very powerful ways to make affirmations work for you and remove the frustration you might be feeling if they haven’t worked.
- What will it take ……?
- Why am I…?