Afraid of Starting Over?

Do you sometimes think that if you completely change the direction of your life that everything you have done thus far has been a waste of energy? Maybe you spent many years studying to do what you do, or building your resume for the trajectory you’re on. The internal chatter can be overwhelming when you consider big change.

Yet, is there still a nagging voice that you are not living to your potential? Do you know in the pit of your stomach that you have so much more to give than what you are doing?

You are not alone. This is exactly where many women today are—discouraged or even numb at where they are; yet, paralyzed by the idea of starting over.

What if it wasn’t about starting over? Because it isn’t. You actually can’t start over—there is no rewind button in life. And thank God, because everything thus far has made you the perfect person to do whatever it is that your heart is longing for you to manifest!

Your job now is to take all you have accomplished, everything you failed at, each of the varied experiences you lived, anything you have dreamed, your intuition, each relationship, and your unique skills to create what comes next. The key is you have to push the start button and begin. If you don’t, you will be having these same conversations in your head next month, next year, maybe even ten years from now.

Let go of the “what if only” stories about what you could have or should have done, and release the thoughts that any of the past will be wasted if you change directions. Instead of letting the chatter in your brain rule, trust your heart and listen to what would make you really happy doing.

Rumi said,

“What you seek is seeking you!”

And Napoleon Hill said that all, not some but all, of the successful people he studied had a BURNING DESIRE for something and that desire is what made them successful—not their resume, credentials, intelligence, contacts or any other factor! They took action on their dreams and you can, too!

So go ahead. Take a leap of faith in yourself and create the life you desire!



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