I received this email from Claire Zammit, a woman I respect and have learned a great deal from over the years. I thought you would enjoy reading it. Take time to ask yourself if you feel strong, and if not, what might be blocking you. So many women, just like you, face challenges to living an empowered life and Claire dedicates her work to helping women achieve it.
If you want to learn more about Claires upcoming free talk after reading her letter, you can go here
Hi Amy,
It’s been awe inspiring these past weeks to feel the energy and power of our tribe of over 800 women who are participating in our Feminine Power 7-Week Essential Course for the Awakening Woman.
A little over 10 years ago, I made a startling discovery: even though millions of us are feeling dissatisfied and unfulfilled—in spite of the extraordinary gains we’ve made—those feelings don’t stem from any personal failure.
We’re the most educated, powerful generation of women in history, and yet studies are showing that we’re less happy and more lonely and depressed than we’ve ever been.
In fact, over 20% of women are on antidepressants. (Statistically speaking, that’s one in five of all the women reading this email!)
We’re being heralded as saviors of the global economy…
We’re even graduating in higher numbers from college than men…
And we’re now the primary breadwinners in many American households…
Yet, six out of ten women experience overwhelming financial stress to the point where we can’t sleep at night—and not sleeping is the #1 cause of chronic illness!
We also have the freedom to create any kind of relationship we want to have in our lives…
But studies are showing that as many as 50% of us are living alone, and those who do have partners, surprisingly, are having way less sex than our grandmothers!
We’ve even been launching businesses at a higher rate than men for years now…
And yet a staggering 95% of us never break through the six-figure barrieror go on to have the larger impact we want to have or make the contributions we want to make.
What’s going on here?!
In my work with nearly 300,000 women, I’ve discovered that over the last 50 years, women have been mastering a logical, linear, masculine power system that has enabled us to create things at an unprecedented rate that are predictable and controllable.
But as useful and necessary as that power system is, it can’t create the things our hearts and souls are now are aching for, like…
- Authentic confidence
- Intimacy
- Discovering our genius and calling
- Creating a prosperous career aligned with our values
- Deeper spiritual connection
- Creativity, adventure and fun
- Helping to heal and transform the world
All of these require Feminine Power to bring them forth, and I’ve made it my mission to awaken this new kind of power in every woman.
We’ve experienced so much pain, frustration and confusion in our attempts to manifest our deepest desires without the power to step into these potentials, and that has often left us feeling helpless and victimized.
The first step in awakening your Feminine Power is to change your story from one of being a victim of your circumstances to one of being a creator of your experience.
Just think about how often you’ve blamed your external circumstances for your experiences?
How many times have you said to yourself, “If only I had more money, more knowledge, a better education, a better job, could lose 10+ pounds, had more ________ (fill in the blank)…then I’d be able to live the life I was born to live!”
We’re conscious women who’ve done our personal and spiritual growth work, yet the vast majority of us still identify these external obstacles as the primary barriers to our success.
Our focus is on trying to source the power to change our lives by pushing harder, by managing and controlling the externals of our lives—our to do lists, our circumstances, trying to change other people, our schedules, our finances, our bodies and so on—only to end up feeling frustrated and powerless.
This external relationship to power is so deeply entrenched in our culture, so undistinguished and pervasive in our thinking, it’s been hard for most of us to escape it until now. Like water to a fish, it’s what we’re used to.
But what if the primary barriers to the realization of your dreams and deepest desires are internal, not external?
The truth is that your experience of life is being generated much more by what’s going on inside you than outside you.
The ways that you habitually relate to yourself, to others, and to your life circumstances are the deeper source of your experience.
So, to change your experience, you need to cultivate the power to shift what’s happening on the inside, and this is the power of the Feminine.
The true source of power you need to fulfill these deeper desires is within you, just waiting to be awakened.
I’d like to invite you to participate in a powerful exercise that has already caused an instant shift in many thousands of women.
Power Practice: From Victim to Creator
1. Make a list of all the reasons you tell yourself you can’t live your best life, realize your highest creative potentials and make your greatest contributions to the world. Those phrases you tell yourself, like “I’m too busy,” “I don’t have the money,” “I’m too old,” etc. And be honest! Write down whatever those little nagging voices in your head are telling you.
2. Next, notice how many of them are external reasons. Here is the challenge for you: just for today, let go of any and all reasons outside of yourself as to why you’re not realizing your highest potentials and making your greatest contributions.
3. When you’re ready, close your eyes and take a deep breath, allowing your awareness to drop down into your body. Move into a place of listening and receptivity, becoming aware of your deeper knowing and connecting to the part of you that holds wisdom and has access to true power.
With a sense of authentic interest and curiosity, ask yourself, “How can I be responsible for my current experience of life? What are the choices I’m making (or not making) that are contributing to my current reality?”
For example:
Do you say “yes” to things you don’t want to say “yes” to because you want to be liked?
Do you choose to not focus on money because you don’t really care that much about it?
Do you play a smaller game because you don’t want to risk rejection?
Simply be aware of what comes up for you, with no judgment.
4. Finally, ask yourself: “What’s one new choice I could make today that will give me access to a new story of my power to create a different experience?”
5. Show up as a creator and make that choice. Then notice how your sense of power increases. You are now the heroine of your life!
To your greatness,
Claire XO