stop violence against women

One Billion Rising

February 24, 2015

Did you know that one out of every three women will be beaten or raped in her lifetime? That is Read More…

Interviews with Influential Women – Monica Dodi

February 16, 2015

Success requires knowing who you are and what you want, being willing to take risks, and adapting. At least, that’s Read More…

empowering women and girls

Lessons from the Always #LikeAGirl Campaign

February 5, 2015

Sometime back, I tweeted and posted on Facebook about the Always video #LikeAGirl. It became an online sensation for a while Read More…

A Shifting Wind in the Portrayal of Women in the Media

February 2, 2015

For years, you and I have been fighting the forces of media that label women as sex objects to sell Read More…

How do you describe yourself?

January 28, 2015

My 26 year-old-son forwarded this Dove YouTube video to my daughters and me. It was overwhelming–both in the message and the Read More…

Superwoman not to the Rescue

January 26, 2015

Does your success come at too high a price? Or have you forsaken achieving success because you were unwilling to Read More…

Interviews with Influential Women – Sandy Gallagher

January 20, 2015

The new year brings a wealth of opportunities, but without the proper perspective, you’ll continue to overlook the chances at Read More…

What do you REALLY want?

January 19, 2015

I often study Napoleon Hill’s work. He wrote Think and Grow Rich and The 15 Laws of Success. Most of Read More…

Betraying Ourselves

January 15, 2015

You may think the worst thing that has ever happened to you was when your husband left for another woman, Read More…

Are you stressed and unhappy?

January 12, 2015

Why are so many women under stress and unhappy?  And what can we do about it? The American Psychological Association Read More…