From Harvard to my Heart!

September 8, 2014

Our daughters need a new paradigm… (EXCERPT FROM UPCOMING BOOK: Dancing With Our Daughters.) Years ago a group of moms Read More…

What are you excited about?

September 4, 2014

“What are you most excited about right now?”  What a great conversation starter!  This article by Kate Northrup really highlights Read More…

Are you burned out?

September 1, 2014

I find when I am becoming burned out it is a sure indication that my days are filled with things Read More…


August 28, 2014

I love this quote from fellow Harvard grad, Sheryl Sandberg: “A truly equal world would be one where women ran Read More…

Take the leap!

August 20, 2014

Take a chance, leap, trust, go for it!  These are all great words of wisdom until you are paralyzed by Read More…

Creating our own “Good ol’ Boys Club”

August 13, 2014

Do you work hard and have great ideas but just somehow feel like you are swimming upstream or just don’t Read More…

Quiet Revolution

August 5, 2014

Change the game, not who you are! Sometimes the best strategy is not to fight for a change to the Read More…

Does it get any clearer?

August 2, 2014

Do you have a question?  A problem?  An unresolved dilemma? Put your hand over your heart, close your eyes, and Read More…

Your New Life Awaits — Part 2

July 30, 2014

After talking to countless women and noticing my own journey I have categorized our paths into three general themes—career woman/power Read More…

Do you dress for success?

July 28, 2014

What does that mean to you?  A recent article about this in the Houston Chronicle tickled my thoughts about how executive women dress. Read More…