Tag Archives: being grateful

5 Ways to Increase Abundance

So often do we wait to get something before we give. It is an unconscious hold-back to ensure there is something in the pot before we offer it to someone. However, as in most life lessons- (ironically), the pot gets filled when we offer it. Here are 5 ways to increase abundance in your life.

I love what Judith Orloff, M.D. says about it in her article, The Power of Random Acts of Kindness, in Forbes’ Women’s Media.

We are not without influence!

Even small acts of generosity return great rewards just by how they make us feel. How we feel affects EVERYTHING including…

  • How we act
  • What we think about
  • Our effectiveness
  • Our emotional resilience
  • Our energy
  • Our compassion and empathy
  • Did I mention EVERYTHING?!

We have a beautiful tree native to Central Texas called the redbud tree. They are small trees, sometimes scraggly–but in early spring, they always burst forth with deep fuchsia pink blossoms that take your breath away. You will find them on the roadside, hanging over fence lines, across creek beds and in random hillsides. Each one is so colorful that they become a spectacular show by themselves.

These redbud trees make their spring debut with flair — whether we have a hard winter or a soft one, a rainy spring or a dry one. They show up for life regardless if things show up for them!

Here are a five suggestions for how you can show up in your life with more enthusiasm and generosity that are easy:

  • Compliment at least one person every day
  • Do one nice thing for someone every day. (i.e. buy their lunch, bring them flowers, do their chore, etc.)
  • Send someone a thank you note (out of the blue) for something they did for you — maybe years ago, that meant a lot to you
  • Send 5 people a text right now telling them what you appreciate about them
  • Donate your time to a cause you feel inspired by

The amazing part of giving is you will be the one to gain the most from it! Do you have abundance secrets to share, I would love to hear them!