Tag Archives: Moving forward

Just Where You Are

Do you notice how often you are thinking of how you wish things were, or where you would rather be, or even who you hope to be–rather than moving forward from where you are?

Just where you are–that’s the place to start.

~ Pema Chodren

Moving forward requires being grounded where you are so you can take that first step, and then the next one and the next. Without noticing and being okay with where you are, it is impossible to move forward.

In fact, our unwillingness to be in the present moment, where we actually are, is the root of feeling overwhelmed and blown away by anxiety.  When I feel overwhelmed I usually feel I am unable to control or have power over a situation. Yet, I always have power over my current moment, my current thoughts, and my next step. It is focussing on all the unforeseen possible outcomes, conflicting obligations, or multitude of responsibilities that gives me the sense of doom.

Next time you feel overwhelmed or anxious, remember this quote from Pema Chodren. And then…

Take your next step!