Tag Archives: passionate

What are you passionate about?

What things get your juices flowing?  Are there topics you find yourself talking about socially that you could go on and on about?

It is important to know what really makes you excited, and then make sure you are including those things in a big way in your life.

Enthusiasm is contagious.  It makes life lighter. It fuels your energy tank in ways that nothing else can.

So why is it that so many women live lives that lack pizzaz?  Do any of these hold you in a place of hum-drum daily existance?

  • Prior commitments.
  • Responsibilities.
  • Bills need to be paid.
  • No time for anything else.
  • Don’t want to hurt anyone.

Too often, women assume that their needs have to be met AFTER everyone and everything else is taken care of.  This tactic results in slow simmering anger and resentment or subtly growing depression for many.  How do you avoid this slippery slope?

You must make it a priority to feed your soul. This is not another to-do to add to your already overflowing list of obligations.  Rather, this is what will give you the energy to complete those things with a smile on your face.

I help women find their passion and incorporate it fully into their professional life, usually by creating a company that embodies their values, has a mission they are passionate about, and surrounds them with people and events that they would enjoy–whether it was work or not. You can learn more about my Wealth Development Program here.

Having your work life BE your passion is one way to ensure you include what you are enthusiastic about in your daily world.  But their are other ways, too. Here are just a few:

  • Volunteer with an organization that is doing what you believe in. By actively helping in an area you care about you will start to feed your belief you can make a difference.
  • Dedicate Saturday mornings doing something you love (painting, dancing, kayaking…) before you venture into chores or other activities. If Saturday mornings don’t work, find a day you can commit to. Time spent cultivating enjoyment will help you re-ignite your life and your belief things can be fun.
  • Spend time regularly with someone who is doing what they are passionate about and support their efforts. As you see how someone else incorporates their passion into their life; you will begin to see opportunities for your own life to change.
  • Regularly go outside your comfort zone.  Too often, the biggest challenge to improving your life is your habits–the way you always do things. If you want things to change you are going to have to change things in your life.  If you want more of the same, continue doing what you always do.

Don’t let your life and the weight of it control you.  You control your life.  Most women avoid this because they think it means throwing away their career, their marraige, or some other important element of their current life.  Maybe it does.  But most likely, once you embark on waking up your passion the changes will look much different than they do today.

Take a small step. Today. And then another step, tomorrow. Move in the direction of living fully. You will be amazed at the joy you bring back into ALL aspects of your life as YOU become more fully alive.