Tag Archives: reflect

Do you have an internal saboteur?

It is half way through 2014.  Are you creating the life of your dreams or are you revisiting the same daily actions and trivia you have been managing for years?  Staying alert to the subtle ways we sabotage our own success is critical to achieving our dreams.  But what do you do once you recognize you are off course?

At our last women’s retreat, we created a list of powerful actions to stop our internal saboteur before it gains power over our ability to manifest.  Having this resource can be your ticket to freedom and finally manifesting your goals, so I decided to share it with everyone.

If you begin to feel defeated, deflated, or depleted….STOP, and remember to reach for one of these tools:

  1. Scan you body.  Where are you holding the block physically?  Breathe into that area.
  2. Take a chance! Be bold when you feel timid, undecided, or confused.  Most failure comes from lack of decision, not the wrong decision.
  3. Set 3 objectives each night before bed for the next day that relate to your important goals. (Not the stuff that will consume your day, but the stuff you wish you had time for and never do.)  These are small steps towards these important goals–steps you can complete tomorrow.  Leave them by your bed and read them again when you awake.  These are your priorities for the next day.  Your unconscious has had time to creatively work on them overnight.  Do them before other tasks.
  4. Be Here Now. Remember to focus on the current moment; let go of ruminating over the past or worrying about the future.
  5. Speak you truth.  Be yourself.  Share your true feelings.  Remember truth is a powerful enzyme and it continues to transform over time.  (Let go if the results are not immediate.)
  6. Stop, rewind.  Cancel-clear.  Find a phrase to say when you notice what you are thinking or saying is not what you CHOOSE.
  7. Cultivate a daily practice.  Meditation, yoga or some other practice can keep your soul renewed and your spirits strong.
  8. Listen to the soft, calm voice of knowing we all have but often ignore.
  9. Stop the fearful chatter.  Be the boss of your inner dialogue.  Say “that’s enough!”
  10. Embrace the new or uncomfortable.  Rather than resist it try saying, “Wow!  I’ve never done THIS before!”
  11. Rewrite “the story” when you feel yourself stuck in one.  How could you see this from a different perspective?  What else is possibly true?
  12. Cultivate play, laughter, joy.  See a funny movie or do another energy changer.  We are more creative, productive, and better leaders when we act from a place of happiness.
  13. Take the next small step.  Don’t worry about the full list of what is required to reach your objective, just move forward everyday in some way.
  14. Connect with another supportive person.
  15. Do tapping or EFT when your energy is off.  If you don’t know what this is or need a reminder go to http://www.thetappingsolution.com/ or google Emotional Freedom Technique.

What are your favorite ways to keep yourself positive, motivated, and on track for the important goals you set?