Are you waiting for that big win–a big promotion, engagement, or baby to celebrate? Maybe it is time to start celebrating the little wins, the things that make each moment special that are soon forgotten instead.
In fact, it is not “maybe” a good idea but an idea that is critical to your happiness. The more you notice the things that are going well and especially the things you are doing well and have made happen, the more likely you are to create more, better and bigger events to celebrate.
Don’t wait to break out the champagne to celebrate yourself. Start to honor all the ways you are amazing and your life is good, today!
The more often you start to notice how fantastic you are and the things you are doing well you will notice:
- Your confidence will grow,
- More good will come your way,
- People around you will be inspired and attracted to you,
- Challenges will become easier, and
- You will be able to dance in your strengths!
Take time today to notice, “What you have succeeded at today?” Find the small wins and you will be so amazed at how they grow into bigger and bigger successes!